Sunday 8 September 2013

Moving on Up!

Hey (said in a range of tones),

So this is going to be a quick post. I have finally gotten over my One direction phase. YAY! And to honour this sombre moment, I've decided to post 2 pictures...

Aren't they funny?

Anyway, Go to Google and type in 'Scotland's National Animal'. Go, on. You know you want to. It is hilarious and slightly head-scratching. Excuse me while I travel to Scotland to purchase my own ........ Don't think I'm going to tell you... search it.

Also, what is Haphephobia??? Sheldon from the big bang theory has it, so I think it has something to do with touching people, but who knows?

I'm back at school. Year 10. I'm a senior!

Love, Peace and Snickers xx }|{

P.S. Quote of the day: I’m going go take a hot shower. It’s like a normal shower, but with me in it

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