Sunday, 1 December 2013

Writers Block


Pinch Punch first of the month no returns. Yesterday, Marvel's agents of SHIELD was eye opening! Especially Agent Ward and May's "relationship".

This is a sombre moment as I would like to send out an RIP to Paul Walker from Fast and Furious who died suddenly.

Back to happiness, cheerfulness and rainbows, I feel wise beyond my years. Not really, I spent half an hour laughing at a joke that only seemed hilarious to me and funny to everyone else. I ran out of breath as usual. One of these days, I am going to be the first to die laughing (Second if you count they old man from Mary Poppins). Hopefully not!

Oh yeah and I put a pattern code on my dads phone but then I forgot it and I nearly had a heart attak but then I remembered so everthings good. He didn't find out, thank goodness.

Love, Peace and Snickers xx  }|{

P.S Quote of the day: Next time someone says "sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me" I'm going to throw the dictionary at them.

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